


The Name

To maintain consistency across countries and languages, the name of the school is always written the same way: Title Case, with an accents on the first É. The school name is followed by the country or city of the school in question.

École Intuit Lab École Intuit Lab ParisÉcole Intuit Lab India
Intuit LabDo not drop the Ecole.
EIL BombayDo not abbreviate.
école intuit lab Do not use lowercase at the start of a word
école intuit.labDo not use a period between words.
Ecole Do not refer to solely as Ecole.
Ecole Intuit Do not drop the lab

The Logos

The various editions of the logos are to be used based on scenario. The simplest is the solo logo, which is used in most situations.


The following guidelines for the 3 versions of every logo unit apply to all logo units.

Logo Transparent Transparent This is to be used on undisturbed, light backgrounds at large scale only.

Logo Transparent Solid Used most frequently, on any range of backgrounds and at any size.

Logo Transparent Inverted For exclusive use as a watermark on photos or videos, after the logo has already been presented.


A special series of square logos exist for social media profiles. They are exclusively for this use, and never to be used on any communication materials.

Logo Transparent

Logo Transparent

Logo Transparent

Logo Transparent