


Using this theme is all about personalising it! Some personalisations require you to shadow the theme. Some just mean creating your own content files. Here are a few key features:

To shadow/override this theme, you will need to place your files into the src/gatsby-theme-revoratio folder. If you don't know what shadowing is, or have questions about it, check this tutorial from the Gatsby documentation.

To place your brand logo in the top left, create the following file:

import React from 'react';
export default function Logo(props) {
return (
<svg width={180} height={34} viewBox="0 0 180 34" fill="none" {...props}>
/// svg content

If your logo is a png, you could use it like this:

import React from 'react';
// Path to the logo file on your project
import Logo from 'assets/logo.png';
const Logo = () => (
<img src={Logo} alt="logo" style={{ width: 180 }} />
export default Logo;


We use Emotion for major theme styles. To change the theme colors, create a file under src/gatsby-theme-revoratio/styles/theme.js.

Remember that you need to restart your server to see the update.

export default {
colors: {
primary: '#0064FF', // accent colour
background: '#FFFFFF', // website background
title: `#28282D`, // colour for titles
text: `#44464C`, // body copy
grey: `#828282`, // light body copy like captions
soft: '#e0e0e0', // components like dividers and table lines


We use a handy plugin called gatsby-plugin-webfonts which makes it easy for you to import fonts from known web sources into your project for use. Read more about the plugin on its gatsby page.

Add fonts in you gatsby-config.js file.

{resolve: `gatsby-plugin-webfonts`,
options: {
fonts: {
google: [
family: "Playfair Display",
variants: ["300", "400", "500"],

These fonts can then be used in the Brand Fonts component to display your brand fonts, or you can replace the entire website's font by shadowing the theme styles file:

export default {
fonts: {
primary: 'fontname', // will apply to theme interface
